Completed meetings and events 2023-2024

Tue 25th June 2024 Regular Club Meeting

One of the twice monthly meetings held at the George at Nunney
The end of the Rotary year with the President handing over to the incoming President

Tue 11th June 2024 Regular Club Meeting

One of the twice monthly meetings held at the George at Nunney
Tonight will be our Club Assembly and AGM

Tue 28th May 2024 Regular Club Meeting

The regular twice monthly meeting held at the George at Nunney
A Business meeting

Tue 14th May 2024 Regular Club Meeting

The regular twice monthly meeting held at the George at Nunney
Speaker on the local carnivals

Tue 30th April 2024 Social Visit to High House Farm, Corsley

Visit to Helliar's Farm with partners and friends. After visit meal at the Royal Oak, Corsley

Tue 23rd April 2024 Regular Club Meeting

The regular twice monthly meeting held at the George at Nunney
Tonight we hope to have a speaker from Frome Medical Practice

Tue 9th April 2024 Regular Club Meeting

The twice monthly meeting held at the George at Nunney.
There will be a business meeting tonight

Tue 26th March 2024 Regular Club Meeting

The twice monthly meeting held at the George at Nunney.
Tonight there will be a Balloon debate.

Fri 15th March 2024 Opus III choir concert

Opus III will again be holding their fund raising concert at Wanstrow Village Hall

Tue 12th March 2024 Regular Club Meeting

The twice monthly meeting held at the George at Nunney.
Tonight the speakers are from Oakfield Academy

Tue 27th February 2024 Regular Club Meeting

A film night being held at the Reading Rooms, Corsley

Tue 13th February 2024 Regular Club Meeting

Future of the Club and membership discussion
The regular twice monthly meeting usually held at the George, Nunney
calendar local events