Amersham Museum


Amersham Museum

We were delighted to have Briony HUDSON, the director of The Amersham Museum , give a talk on ‘Behind the Scenes at the Amersham Museum’. Much of the talk was on the history, acquisition, ,development and subsequent  transformation of the site where the Museum stands today. The Amersham Society played a large part in the acquisition of the premises as did the unexpected donation of over one million pounds by Tony Woodcock in August 1993. The Mobile Museum ( a purposely kitted-out truck) is called Tony! Although Briony is one of  only 3 part-time employees, there are 120 volunteers who help with the running of the museum, conducted historical town tours, reminiscent singing, tending the medicinal-herbs garden and running youth activities (to name a few). President Barbara was proud to donate £750 to this worthwhile Charity.