Christmas Address by Rev Mike Lewis

Mon, Dec 21st 2020 at 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

President William will also reflect on the past 6 months of his year of office.

President William began with a resume of the last six months;  a start of a presidential year like no other, but (as evidenced by the full report of all events below) what would have been in normal times a very successful year but in the current circumstances he felt exceptional.  

No member was mentioned by name as William wanted to record his thanks to the whole Club, who had all contributed in particular with personal charitable donations (donations in lieu of meal costs, sponsorship and general donations) which had contributed to the splendid sum of approximately £5,000 to Rotary Bridgend Charity Account.   

Finally, in his opening address President William wished to record his grateful thanks to Rev. Mike Lewis for both the efficient way he had carried out his duties as secretary but also for the almost daily witty, amusing, perceptive e-mails to members.

Rev. Mike Lewis delivered a Christmas address, mentioning the Bethlehem Star (which might have been visible in the sky during the evening for the first time in 800 years had it not been for mist and rain).  Its reputed appearance in the sky above Judea over 2,000 years ago guiding the three wise men to Bethlehem;  a light showing maybe even to-day a way out of the darkess of the mid-winter solstice of 21st December.   Mike recounted three fables, each of which had both a link to Christianity but a moral lesson too.   President William thanked Mike for his thoughtful address.

Rotarian Hugh Thomas brought the proceedings to an end by thanking the President for the way he had led Rotary Bridgend, by example and personal effort, during his year of office to date - no former President had to serve during such challenging circumstances but William had risen to and far above the challenge.

President William closed the meeting by proposing the Rotary Toast.

A few very enjoyable minutes were spent thereafter as member exchanged information about current event and personal experiences.

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