Lunch time meeting -Fellowship meeting

Thu, Aug 22nd 2019 at 12:55 pm - 1:55 pm

On Thursday 22nd August 2019 in the absence of President Ewen Macdonald, SVP Geoff Sampson took the chair as he welcomed 18 Cub Rotarians and Rotarian John Ewen from the Rotary Club of Howe of Fife to this lunch time meeting held in the Gilvenbank Hotel, Glenrothes. 

On reception was Peter May.

Three apologies for absence were received.

The following announcements were given by JVP Geoff Sampson. He mentioned in view of their being so many new members and also for guests that all members should wear their name badges at all meetings. The Presidents Golf Day has been arranged for Wednesday 11th September 2019 commencing 1pm at Thornton Golf Club. Anne Sampson’s past President Dinner has been arranged for the 18th October 2019 in the Dining Room at Balgeddie Hotel. The REYA Fundraiser will go ahead on Monday 25th November 201. The club has once again entered into the Gavel competition and will be completed in the one night, details still to be advised,

Iain Oates will once again be doing the Glasgow run and this year it will be for the Stroke Association and donations can be given on the just giving web site.

Marilyn Robertson once again mentioned the Love Oliver Charity evening on 2nd November 2019 where she was hoping that our club will manage to take a table of 8/10. The venue is Murrayfield Rugby Stadium and tickets are £45 per head.

IPP Anne Sampson mentioned that we now have 4 participants for the very successful annual Desert Islands Disc evening which she is organising and being run by Malcolm Robertson. Our own Iain Oates, May Ford with guests Linda Ballingall from the Glenrothes Heritage Centre and past Rotarian along with Brian Munro Rotarian from our Mother Club the Rotary Club of Kirkcaldy being the castaways.

Unfortunately, due to a Wedding being held in the hotel we did not have our usual facilities and were unable to hear Marilyn Robertson give her vocational as the atmosphere in the room was not conducive to giving a private talk.

This coming week Thursday 29th August 2019 is an evening meeting with a meal commencing at 6.30pm in the Gilvenbank Hotel where members will be given a talk and powerpoint presentation from David Cooper from the Friends of the Riverside Park.


If you were interested in supporting the community and international projects get in touch by Private message on The Rotary Club of Glenrothes Facebook page. You will be made most welcome.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Annual Kids Outing


Rotarians planting flowers at Riverside Park


A showcase of our annual awards Evenins


Page for Presidential Handovers


Thank you from Shelter Box


Glenrothes Rotary Club Environmental projects


Glenrothes Rotary Club are participating in the Books Abroad Project and will be collecting books from the end of March 2021


Our annual primary school quiz

Lindsay Anne and Ewen

Annual past presidents dinner


a diary of all school /Rotary events 2018_2019


Rotarians visiting the School's special anniversary celebrations
