Weekly Meeting - Robert Brunsdon (Simpsons Circus))

Wed, Mar 15th 2017 at 7:30 pm- Wed, Feb 15th 2017 - 10:30 pm

Friend: Tony Jenkinson
VOT: Ron Jones

Robert Brunsdon - Simpsons Circus

At our meeting on Wednesday 15th March we were entertained by Bob Brunson telling the story of the fight for control of Lake Tanganyka at the beginning  of the 1914 – 1918 first world war.

Basically whoever controlled the lake controlled Central Africa – important for Britain because of the fear of a native uprising in Rhodisia.  Besides which at the end of the war possession of the lake could convey a commercial advantage.

So Lt. Commander Geoffrey Spicer-Simpson was chosen to head up an expedition to ensure Britain’s interests were maintained. Two gunboats suitably armed were built – Mimi and Toutou – loaded and sent on the 9600 km voyage to South Africa . That was the easy bit!! The gunboats then had to be hauled across mountains,  through swamps, forests, across ravines - some 650 kms to get to the lake. The battle eventually commenced in December 1915.   After several  sea battles the gun boats eventually took on and sunk a German Steamboat on February 8th 1916, which effectively ended  the naval battle.

By late 1916 Spicer-Simpson and most of his crew returned to England to continue their careers. Spicer- Simpson continued his career and died in1947 aged 71.

A history tale well told by Bob.

Ron Jones

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