'How Napoleon won.' - Mike Dean

Tue, Aug 2nd 2016 at 7:15 pm -

On Tuesday 2nd August President Mike Clutton performed the very pleasant task of inducting 2 new members into the club , Rosalind Hopewell  (Customer  Relationship Management Consultant) and Chris Drew ( Account)

Club member, Mike Dean, then gave a talk entitled ‘ How Napoleon Won ‘ Mike had spent some considerable time on St Helena and suggested that Napoleon had left a considerable legacy although he had lost the war . Napoleon promoted the growth of the modern state through his administrative and legal reforms, and his changes in the map of Europe stimulated movements for national unification. For instance, the Code Napoleon is the French civil code. It forbids privileges based on birth and allows freedom of religion among other things. The metric system was also promoted and spread by Napoleon. Napoleon's efforts to emancipate the Jews of France. A believer in open borders ,was he an early advocate of European Union?

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