Brad Ashton Coming to Chertsey Rotary

Tue, Mar 22nd 2016 at 6:45 pm -

About Brad Ashton's talks:

Brad"™s talks are on COMEDY but also includes modern scams and how to avoid falling victim to them.
The evening promises to be fun, and very entertaining
Brad has recently retired as an international TV comedy writer

Brad Ashton International TV comedy writer (retired) will be sharing his experiences:
 As a regular guest enrichment lecturer on board cruise ships, averaging five cruises a year.  On those fortnight-long cruises he is usually giving between four and six highly entertaining 55-minute talks. Talking about the stars he has worked with and how comedy is created, also including lots of backstage gossip about the audience's favourite TV shows and their famous (and sometimes infamous), stars.

Brad has three very successful books published on comedy writing and has just completed a new gag book containing over 4,000 gags.

We expect high demand for 'seats' so please book early ☺ - Please contact our registrar David

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