Weekly Meeting Monday 26 October 2015

Mon, Oct 26th 2015 at 1:00 pm -

Club meeting in Dunkerley's Restaurant

A full and interesting meeting was held today with three guests attending.

Andrew Hudson from the Rotary Club of Langley Park who is district webmaster, Kathy Aizelwood from the Rotary Club of Luton Someries and Kerry Rubins guest of Alison Munn all attended the lunch. Kerry is voluntary Ambassador for Deal & Kent Breast Cancer now (was Breakthrough Breast Cancer) and thanked the club for the donation of £300 for the purchase of a heavy duty Gazebo for the charity and said she had raised £130,000 to date for her charity. With her she brought calendars for 2016 for sale which a number of Rotarians purchased (all proceeds to the charity) and would love to collaborate with us on a future event.

Andrew Hudson spoke about the huge number of hours spent on the District website and reassured us that the website is secure.

Ian Draper, Trustee of the MR Dunn Fund gave an informative short talk on how the trust was set up and how it functions.

Ken Cox won the weekly wine draw.

A small contingent from the club attended the district conference in Bournemouth last weekend; President Barry Baxter, Secretary David Lister (his partner Liz Evans IPP of Inner Wheel) and Second Vice President Carol Kewley.

Secretary David reported on the District conference and said he found the conference uplifting and covered a great breadth of subjects and Second Vice President Carol said she had found the fellowship wonderful.

This week’s birthday boy was Bob Joslin.