
Work with New Generations

New Generations

Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland runs a host of cultural and sporting activities aimed at recognising and celebrating the achievements of young people of all ages. These enable our youth to enjoy challenges, develop strong bonds of friendship, and help them to express and realise their hopes, dreams and expectations.

Every year Esk Valley Rotary pays to send two local young people to RYLA  in memory of one of the Club's founders Bob Stewart.  One of the highllights of the year's programme is having the youngsters back to speak to the club about their 


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Youth sub-pages:

Liam O'Malley

Young Golfer 2015

more Esk Valley sponsor a junior golf medal at Newbattle Golf Club

Bob Stewart Memorial & RYLA

more RYLA

Esk Valley Rotary Donate A New Television To Woodburn Playgroup & Nursery


Spirit Aid

more Spirit Aid - Helping The Children Of Our World (1 page below this)