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Top marks for school teams in public speaking competition

The winning teams from the event organised by the Rotary Clubs of Alcester & Bidford and Stratford-upon-Avon at Alcester’s Greig Hall now go forward to represent the area in the district finals.

Students from Alcester Academy, Alcester Grammar and Stratford’s King Edward VI (KES) schools have been successful in a public speaking competition organised by Rotary. The annual Youth Speaks contest was well supported with five schools and 11 teams of three students aged between 11 and 17 participating.

Winning in the Intermediate Competition were Dev Mangipudi, Otis Green and Aarush Dayanand from KES debating whether The 11+ exam should be abolished, with the best individual performance going to Florence Seckham from Alcester Grammar who proposed the motion that Schools should encourage competitivity. 

In the Senior Competition it was a clean sweep for Alcester Academy with Faith Griffiths, Eshal Rehman and Molly Thompson-Taylor arguing that Britain is dependent on the Royal Family and Harriet Covill judged best individual for her performance in her team’s debate that Transgender people should be allowed to compete in their chosen gender sport.

Commenting on the event, head judge, performance coach Sharon Bott said : “Wow! Each year we are blown away by these young people. They each deserve an award simply for volunteering and their courage in taking part. Their hard work shines through and it is always an enlightening evening for all the judges.” She added this year’s competition was one of the closest yet with very strong performances by the teams from St Benedict’s in Alcester and Stratford-upon-Avon School.


Improving life chances of deprived young South African children since 2007 
through computer donations. 

We all know how important computer skills are to employers, and for employment prospects; a long-standing project by a former Birmingham RC supported by the RC of Stratford on Avon continues to facilitate IT skills development through annual cash donations & by shipping and organizing the local distribution of computers in southern Africa and regular computer donations.

The Stratford-o-A club donates £750 annually to Computers for Africa which alongside periodic donations of £2000 from the Birmingham Rotary Endowment Fund fund has helped sustain the project and increase computer shipments from 20 a year to 200.
This year’s shipment to ESWATINI will be shipped to and distributed from the headquarters of the local Scout movement in Southern Africa.

BACKGROUND: Rotarian Paul Tomlinson began this project back in 2006 when he and his wife spent some time working in the God’s Golden Acre Orphanage in South Africa. With cash from Stratford-o-A Rotary club he provided two new computers to the orphanage which triggered the youngsters’ interest there in learning to learn about computers. News that that Rotary had provided computers led to local schools and communities asking for help too. On his return to England, he teamed up with a Computers for Africa, a charity working out of Plockton High School in the Western Highlands of Scotland. Today, 19 years later computers are provided annually to the areas of KWA ZULU NATAL (province adjacent to Durban) and to neighbouring ESWATINI (formerly Swaziland).  

Alongside the help of Ex IT teacher Terry Heaviside, who started Computers for Africa and in the early years secured most of the machines from the Scottish Education Authority, continues acquiring and preparing the machines for this project. 
Paul’s original role was locating deserving schools, ensuring security and availability of IT teachers and preparing the itineraries for the annual visits of Terry &  IT friends to distribute the latest shipments. A local hotelier, Jon Bates, in the town of Nottingham Road, has taken on the identification of deserving schools and now has a local team, so Paul no longer needs to visit Africa every year. A distribution point at the local community college in Nottingham Road enables computer shipment direct to them with a follow-up visit from Terry’s team to supervise their distribution and installation. For his work, Stratford Rotary funded a Paul Harris Fellowship which was awarded to Terry on one of his trips to Africa in 2015.

Terry receiving PHF services recognition award

We donate to local good causes.

Donated £400 to Stratford Riding for the Disabled

For more information about this organization go to




£1,216  raised for Rotary charities at a race night in October

Shakespeare Hospice Charity Golf Day24th September 2024

Event location: Stratford-on-Avon Golf Club


Come and join the FAMILY fun.
Race commences 2pm at the Weir  Lucy's Mill
Tickets on sale from Rotary Tent opposite Encore, Riverside 
from 10am on Sat 17th and 24th August

Shakespeare Marathon - Sunday 21st April
RunThrough managed their first Shakespeare Marathon in Stratford with a big turnout of circa 3,000 runners,the main beneficiary being Shakespeare Hospice.
Our club's continuing involvement with this event helps raising monies for charities. 

This year’s winning medal designer Martha Wainwright is shown below.The Rotary Design Competition for under 18’s is sponsored by Shakespeare Martineau and the Stratford Herald.   

Please put next year’s event date in your diary
27th April 2025

Martha Medal designer & Club President Davi Taylor.Cose up of Medal.

Participants enjoyed the challenge of doing the Half or Full Marathon, some joined by their pets. Family, friends and spectators cheered the runners on, whilst soaking up the the atmosphere and good weather.

Pub Quiz for The Air Ambulance Service Old Tramway Inn 9.4.2024

Up, up and away, Charity Quiz night at Old Tramway Inn raises £500 for The Air Ambulance Service

Picture above of cheque presentation to the AirAmbulance Service.
Rotarians Clive Jolliffe (Event organizer) and Club President David Taylor give representative Jeanette Mosley-Pratt who said, "I am delighted to accept this cheque for the Air Ambulance Service from funds raised here at The Old Tramway Inn with the support of the Landlady Emily Kilmarten.Each mission (aka call out) costs a minimun of £2.3K. In 25 years of local operation over 50 thousand mission have been flown.

Event details

The evening of 9th April got off to a flying start at the Old Tramway Inn with Rotarians, their friends and family alongside a team from the Air Ambulance shop in Greenhill Street racking their brains to answer questions posed by the Landlady Emily Kilmarten, who offered her services as Quiz Mistress and her venue free of charge for the fund rising event.

Event organizer, the Rotary Club of Stratford upon Avon, gave the winning team boxes of chocolates. The associated raffle was well supported by pub goers and quizzers alike and helped boost the evening’s takings to £500.


See pictures of winning team & Quiz Mistress in action below

Happening soon...

Tue, Apr 1st 2025 9:00 am

Coffee Morning Boston Tea Party

First Time Visitors welcome.
There is a carpark directly behind Boston Tea Party and should anybody require assistance for the walk to BTP please let Andreas Flor know.
There will be a free Easter Egg for anybody who attends.

Mon, Apr 7th 2025 11:00 am

Council meeting

Discuss club business

Mon, Apr 7th 2025 12:30 pm

Address to club by Jenny Fradgely – Chair of Stratford D C

Jenny Fradgely – Chair of Stratford D C will speak to the club

Mon, Apr 14th 2025 12:30 pm

Business Meeting

Discuss club business

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Mondays at 12.45

(Evening Group Meeting 2nd Tuesday each month 7 pm at the The White Swan Hotel Stratford on Avon CV37 6NH) The Hilton Double Tree Hotel
Arden Street
CV37 6QQ  01789 271000
W3W:  ///trip.beyond.tiles

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Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values