About us


Charity, Club, Friends and Volunteers

Charity No. 01031042 managed by Oswestry Borderland Rotary Club


We volunteer with variety and enjoy social friendships.

For Charities and those in need, well over £250,000 raised.

Fun with fundraising has given pleasure to millions of local people.

There is a place for men and women interested in joining our activities

If you cannot spare some time to support our charity fundraising, please consider donating some money - 

If you can,

please   donate-here

Click on "Meetings & Events" in the top menu, for future or past Event info.

 See local press reports or click on 



The framework for what we achieve

Click on blue heading for more

Charity Trustees - account for distributing and receiving donations

Club Team - everyone responsible for making things happen.

Community Service - provides local support to charities and individuals on various occasions, including the Orthopaedic Hospital, Derwen College, and Macmillan.

Environment - Supports environmental interests with a local youth emphasis.

International Service - supports Mercy Ships, LendwithCare, and responds wherever help may be needed worldwide.

Major Events - manage the Oswestry Christmas Parade, the unique Borderland Mountainbike Challenge, occasional special events, and work the Oswestry Town Fireworks.

Membership - Supports membership, Friends, interest, equality and diversity.

Rotary Foundation - gives financial grants, beyond the capacity of individual Clubs.  We contribute to support this, and also promote Purple-4-Polio, so successfully eradicating polio from our planet.

Youth Service all for local youth, encouraging community and environmental awareness.  Supports eleven Rotakids Clubs in local schools and one Interact Club.  Manages several competitions for individuals and inter-schools with prestigious Awards.

Support from Friends-of-Borderland-Rotary and other Charity Volunteers is necessary and always appreciated.


Personal data protection is important; see - Borderland-Rotary-Privacy-Notice

Borderland Rotary was founded in 1990 for the convienience of evening meetings in the Oswestry area.

Meeting once a month to discuss Club business and projects.  There are also regular social and other activities.  Men and women members are drawn from Oswestry and the surrounding areas. 

Guests attend social meetings, which often have a visiting speaker.

The next "Borderland" Major Event

Sat. 10th May 2025 - Borderland Mountain Bike Challenge

Details of future events (and past events) can be accessed by clicking or tapping on "Meetings & Events" at the top menu.

Happening soon...

Wed, Apr 2nd 2025 7:30 pm

Club Members Business Meeting

Discussions and decisions with Club business, Charity giving, on-going and future projects. (For Club members only)

Social Evening at the Sweeney

Wed, Apr 16th 2025 7:30 pm

Social Evening at the Sweeney

Friends and guests are welcome to join Club members for a social evening with a meal at the Sweeney Hotel. (Please book a place first - see details)


Wed, Apr 23rd 2025 7:30 pm

Vinyard visit and meal Social Evening

Social Evening for members and Friends with a meal and Vinyard visit.


Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Wednesdays at 19.30

Sweeney Hall Country Hotel
SY10 9EU  01691 652450

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values