The event is placed on the iconic Westbury White Horse site, with a large event field, Live Music Stage, STEM area, Food Court, Bar, Parking, Kites and Soapbox Track.
The focus of the White Horse Soapbox Derby and STEM Fair is Wind Power in 2025. It's so important to think about engineering with an environmental context, not just in a wider climate way but also in the way we design, produce and consume things within society.
Primary schools and local stakeholders have been challenged to come up with their own interpretations of Wind Power this year. Let's see what they come up with!
Every White Horse Soapbox Team will be asked to follow a ‘Historical Engineering’ theme when decorating their vehicle.
This can range anywhere from Viking Ships to the Pyramids. As long as it’s Historical Engineering, It works! The best kart will receive the much-revered Best Design Award!
Westbury and the surrounding area is beautiful and it must be that way, plus it's so important to set a good example for the next generation of young people when it comes to being proactive environmentally.
Westbury Rotary have played an important part in the organisation of the event by providing much needed assistance in the car parking and transport arrangements