Donation to Isle of Man Samaritans - Spring 2024

The Club's charitable trust has made a donation of £500 to support the work of the Isle of Man Samaritans.

Isle of Man Samaritans provide 24/7 emotional support as part of the Samaritans organisation. 

It is recognised that living on an Island brings with it challenges - when life goes wrong, it can be front page news so the ability to speak to someone safely is important. 

Calls to Isle of Man Samaritans can be answered by any Samaritans branch so chances are you won't be speaking to your next door neighbour or your work colleague.

Contact a Samaritan - call 116 123

If you need someone to talk to, they listen. They won't judge or tell you what to do.

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Fundraising and Supporting Good Causes & Projects

back Every year through the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann Charitable Trust, the Club makes donations to a number of international, UK and local good causes following fundraising activities which take place throughout the Year.