In recent years the Isle of Man has seen a significant increase in death by suicide. This new Manx helpline is staffed by trained volunteers who are available to listen at times of suicidal crisis and signpost you towards help and possible counselling.
Isle Stand Up To Suicide provide an alternative service, to those already available on the Isle of Man. They offer a phone helpline which anyone in a suicidal crisis can call. Once initial contact has been made, Isle Stand Up To Suicide give callers the option to access a phone counselling service, to help them to get through their ‘darkest days’. These are short-term interventions, rather than a long-term solutions.
If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts - please reach out for support.
Phone 803040
Free Helpline
2pm - 10pm daily
back Every year through the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann Charitable Trust, the Club makes donations to a number of international, UK and local good causes following fundraising activities which take place throughout the Year.