Being a care leaver isn’t easy. Teenagers as young as 16 have to find somewhere to live, keep up with college and work, and look after themselves, often without the support of a family behind them if things go wrong. They are more likely to struggle with poor mental health and low self-esteem.
Care leavers have to juggle lots of adult responsibilities at a very young age, often without support from their family. They may have missed out on key chunks of schooling, so do not always have the qualifications or confidence to aspire to bright futures.
St Christopher’s Aftercare team on the Isle of Man support care leavers to find safe homes, catch up on their education and look for jobs. The Charity also work with care leavers and employers on the Isle of Man to give them opportunity to learn workplace skills together and create work experience placements where the resilience of care experienced young people is recognised.
back Every year through the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann Charitable Trust, the Club makes donations to a number of international, UK and local good causes following fundraising activities which take place throughout the Year.