
Most aid to disasters arrives in a box...


The idea of Shelterbox is provide one pre-packed, self contained, easily transported unit that provides shelter, warmth and sleeping facilities for 10 people. In May 2000 The Rotary Club of Helston-Lizard (D1290) adopted an individual member's idea as an ongoing Millennium (2000) project. Shelter Box has Trust status and is a Registered Charity. It is able to not only respond to natural and man-made disasters worldwide it has also diversified and it is aiming to provide shelter over the next four years for one million displaced women and children in Africa who have been rendered homeless as a result of war.

A fully equipped Shelter Box costs £490.00 and contains 185ltr capacity rigid plastic container, one new 10 person tent, ten new sleeping bags and useful ancillary equipment including water-purifying material, water carrying bags, cooking pots, rope, tools etc. The cost of dispatching, delivering and distributing the Shelter Box is included in the £490.00 cost.

The Shelter Box scheme has been taken up by Rotary clubs in the USA, Australia and Canada.

Alan Calder-McNicollContact Alan Calder-McNicoll about this page:

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