3 Old Men in Boats

Fri, Jul 5th 2024 at 7:00 am- Sat, Jul 6th 2024 - 3:30 pm

Three elderly gentlemen with a combined age of 239 are kayaking the River Wensum from Fakenham to Norwich to raise funds for the East Anglian rural mental health charity YANA.

Three Old Men in Boats
Three Old Men in Boats

Working in agriculture and the countryside is often thought of as a good way of life but it can also be a demanding and stressful occupation, with many uncertainties. As the pressures on people working in agriculture and the rural economy continue to pile up, YANA, a rural mental health charity working across East Anglia, has recently launched its live helpline to remove barriers to accessing help and vital support that can save lives. YANA provides mental health training and funded counselling to the agricultural workforce and continues to see an increase in the number of requests for help each year.

Three Old Men in Boats have set out to raise much needed funds to support the cost of running YANA’s helpline and support services. Can you help them reach their £25,000 target? The paddling pensioners hope their 30-mile kayak challenge will not only reap generous cash donations through sponsorship, but will also promote mental health awareness amongst those in farming and rural businesses in East Anglia. With a combined age of 239 years and kayaking a combined total of almost 100 miles it is cause well worth supporting.

The three ‘old men’ are two members of Holt and District Rotary, Rod Hunt (MBE) 85 and John Rampling 84; and Henry Kilvert 70, Chair of YANA Trustees. Their aim is to kayak down the River Wensum from Sculthorpe Mill to Paul’s Ferry Norwich on 5th and 6th July.

Please support the ‘Three Old Men in Boats’ by visiting their Just Giving page using this link


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