Club meeting - Gabardine Bar - Guest Speaker - Christine from Pink Place

Mon, Aug 12th 2024 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

We are heading back to the Gabardine bar, where Christine from Pink Place will speak about the great work they do in our community, and how we can help them, help others.

Support Sessions

The Pink Place welcomes our Guests (ladies with a cancer diagnosis) at any point from initial diagnosis, through and after treatment. A range of weekly sessions provide an opportunity to benefit from our Wellbeing Services which include Complementary Therapies, Counselling, Mindfulness, Yoga,  Hair Advice, Talks, Crafts and other Activities.

Our aims are to reduce your sense of isolation by being with others who understand, help improve your mental health and feeling of wellbeing and get peer support and information to help increase resilience.

Most of our services are provided free of charge, though donations are always gratefully received as we rely on donations and fundraising events to fund all our services. Occasionally there is a small suggested donation for certain activities.

Contact the Pink Place today - Click here for contact details

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