Mayor of Kendal Killarney Visit

Councillor Julia Dunlop & President Allen Crossley

Kendal Rotary Club welcomed the Mayor of Kendal, Cllr Julia Dunlop back as their speaker on 29th April, following her recent visit to Killarney, rekindling the twinning of the two towns. Cllr Dunlop visited Killarney for their St Patrick's Day Festival and enjoyed the parade which seemed to involve most of the town's clubs and societies. She joined the Mayors of several of Killarney's 11 twinned towns - that seems a lot for a small market town with a population about half of Kendal's. They have several American "twins" and she reported that she heard plenty of American accents when visiting the local attractions. The weather could have been kinder, but the scenery was spectacular and she recommends it as an easily accessible place to visit in SW Ireland. The hotels in the town seem to be mainly in private ownership and were very comfortable and welcoming During her stay Cllr Dunlop met Barry Murphy, President of Killarney Rotary Club and passed on Kendal Rotary Club's pennant and was able to reciprocate at Kendal's meeting when President Allen Crossley gratefully accepted a pennant from Killarney Rotary Club.  


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