The Honeypot Children's Charity provides support for young carers. Prestwick Rotarians were treated to an excellent talk from fundraiser Carol Anne McMahon.
There are tens of thousands of young carers supporting family members, and Honeypots mission is to meet their needs. Honeypots Dalleagles House in New Cumnock offers respite breaks for young carers 5 to 10 years old. Each respite break takes in 10 children for fun events, as well as learning caring skills, such as preparing meals. There are over 30,000 young carers in Scotland, and this came as as shock to Rotarians, that so many children are taking on this family role.
Many questions followed. Rotarian Jim Bruce gave a hearty vote of thanks to Carol Anne for an excellent presentation, whilst expressing how appalling it is that young children should have to take on such vital family responsibilities. Can the government not help? Chairman for the night Kenny Goldie is pictured with Carol Anne.