Changing Lives Malawi

Around a year ago we invited Changing Lives Malawi to talk to us about their work. Its a small charity doing work in the north of Malawi, an area where few charities work. We decided we would look at ways to support them.

Changing Lives Malawi is a U.K. charity supporting The William Stewart Foundation in Northern Malawi and Sarah Black is their Lead Trustee and Development Manager.  They are also able to raise funds for others with small, stand alone projects at the discretion of the trustees.  As the charity is run by volunteers no funding is spent on salaries.

Based in Central Scotland their aim is to raise funds and awareness for the Foundation in Malawi. The people supported by the Foundation, in Ibuluma, a village in the far north of Malawi, are living in such poverty that they need a helping hand. The is for the community to work towards self-sufficiency. 

Changing Lives Malawi was registered as a charity on 29 May 2019 under SCO 49329.  You can find their website at Welcome! Have a look round! - Changing Lives Malawi and their Facebook page 

Following an initial cash donation some equipment was also donated to them.  Our foreign coin collection raised further funds.  We are now in discussions on what further ways we can support them and we will update this page when more information can be passed on.  Seperate suport events will be detailed seperately.  

Four of their supporters did our recent Fire Walk raising over £1300 for the charity. 

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Charity Fund Raising

back One off or irregular fund raising. Annual fund raising is covered elsewhere.