Lakeland Housing Trust

Chales Flanagan

The speaker at the meeting of Kendal Rotary on 18th March was Charles Flanagan from the ‘Lakeland Housing Trust’ who gave a presentation explaining the aims of the charity.  They provide rented homes for local people who cannot afford to buy or long-term rent accommodation at current market prices. Their affordable rents have ensured that many families have been able to stay living in the area where they were raised and now work, keeping communities alive and thriving. Tourism is an essential part of life in central Lakeland. However, the increasing second home and holiday let market means that house prices in some areas have increased at a rate that makes it increasingly difficult for local people to buy or rent a home. “The very purpose of the Trust is to offer low cost rented housing which helps keep villages alive and allows local people to live and work in the heart of the Lake District”.

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