Waste to Well Being

Chris Rowley

The speaker at the meeting of Kendal Rotary Club on 26th February was Chris Rowley  from South Lakes Action for Climate Change who gave a presentation on one of their initiatives, ‘Waste into Wellbeing’. South Lakes Action on Climate Change Towards Transition (SLACCtt) is a community-based charity which brings together people who want to do something about climate change and promote a more sustainable lifestyle. Their overall goal is to reduce the amount of waste and surplus food generated by the food system (wholesalers, hospitality and retailers) in Kendal. Their existing work is reflected in the recommendations of the Kendal Climate Change Citizen’s Jury, and we are keen to now leverage our existing  operation and network, to develop a comprehensive town-wide approach to reduce food waste. The ultimate outcome is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help achieve Zero Carbon Kendal

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