Cycle Ride to Gouda

Fri, May 24th 2024 at 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Special international cycle event. Report by Perry

The Cycling Presidents Long Ride in Europe

Part of his year fund raiser in aid of DISC dementia care and the Sara lee Trust. This event was sponsored by Alexander James Financial Planning. David Dixson)

President James embarked on a three-legged route from Dunkirk in France to Breda in Holland, stopping in Bruges and Sint Niklaas, accompanied by cycling Rotarians Tim Pilbeam and Perry Puddefoot and Perry’s wife Alison with head of logistics David Dixson driving the support vehicle. Hotels booked and Routes planned just left the cycling to do!

Day 1: The sun shone on and the team were soon leaving Dunkirk behind cycling across Bray Dunes before picking up cycle paths along the many canals. With flat paths and the gentle breeze behind them the team cycled the 48 miles without any mishap or incident. There were however a strained groin and sore bottoms to carry forward to the next day. David was on scene several times during the day finding the intrepid cyclists with much needed sustenance before locating the accommodation ready to unload luggage before throwing himself up the stairs and making use of the first aid kit. Food and beer was taken in Bruges before retiring for the night to recharge the batteries for the next day. Just over 48 miles covered

Day 2: The team awoke to a wet morning, but Tim and David soon sourced breakfast and the merry band were cycling again, dodging the pelotons travelling in the opposite direction. First stop of the day for refreshments and the only puncture which slowed the team by a few minutes while a new inner tube was inserted in the tyre.

After about an hour of cycling the team found David’s smiling face directing the them towards coffee, chocolate cake and homemade liqueur. The rain eased and the cyclists had a slight tail wind pushing them towards a late lunch. Too much food and rest made the last 12 miles seem like 20. The nights stop was Sint Niklaas just outside Antwerp. A somewhat seedy hotel in the middle of town provided the nights rest, Trip Adviser and duly advised. 51 miles covered today.

Day 3: Although an 08.30 breakfast was agreed the famous 5 were at a near-by bakers well before, consuming coffee and cakes ready to go. According to the mapping system today should have been around 50 miles. After a missed turn before lunch and cycling back the way we came the total was over 55 miles. Not disheartened by Tim Wahoo Pilbeams map work the team was in good spirits. The after-lunch session had the only riding incident of the 3 days when James decided a large beech hedge was lonely and decided to join it.

Dusted down and bike checked the last 8 miles went without incident although the pace was slightly reduced owing to aching rear ends, tight joints, a sore groin and a bit of general fatigue. Although Tim had obviously had a dose of steroids for lunch and cycled ahead and returned several times. Cycling towards Breda the town sign was very welcome and with more dodgy map work (not Tim) the hotel was located for the final film clip and photos.

Even better was David emerging from the hotel with a tray of beer. A restaurant had been booked and the famous 5 were joined by Paul Mertens President of Gouda Rotary to celebrate the achievement.

A total in excess of 155 miles was covered to add to President James overall total.

A great few days of exercise and friendship.

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