Safari Supper

Sat, Feb 10th 2024 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Start and end locations to be confirmed

Safari theam
Safari theam

District members please log in for more information.

Safari Supper - We all made it in the end

We had 25 people set of from 13 separate locations. Their mission was to complete a three course supper traversing the wilds of Bexhill on a dark and moonless night.  There were 4 hosts providing starters, 4 providing mains and a single location for desserts. The aim was that none should meet up twice until the dessert course.

No one got lost and we all ended up at the correct destination. 

Hopefully next year there will be enough people taking part that there will be hosts for the dessert course, with just coffee / Cheese & Biscuits at a single location.

Well done Robin and his little helpers for making it happen.

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Safari theam

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