High Sheriff of Cumbria

Samantha Scott

The speaker at the meeting of Kendal Rotary Club on 11th December was the current High Sheriff of Cumbria, Samantha Scott. who gave a talk outlining the responsibilities and function of the post. There have been High Sheriffs for at least 1,000 years.

The original "Shire Reeves" were Royal officials appointed to enforce the King's interests in a County, in particular the collection of revenues and the enforcement of law and order.  The High Sheriff's role can be summarised as follows: 

• to uphold and enhance the ancient Office of High Sheriff and to make a meaningful    contribution to the High Sheriff's County during the year of Office.

• to lend active support to the principal organs of the Constitution within their county — the Royal Family, the Judiciary, the Police and other law-enforcement agencies, the emergency services, local authorities, and all recognised church and faith groups.

• to ensure the welfare of visiting High Court Judges; to attend on them at Court and to offer  them hospitality.

• to support the Lord-Lieutenant on Royal visits and on other occasions as appropriate.

• to take an active part in supporting and promoting voluntary organisations within a County.

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