Snap Happy

a talk from Linda Brown

Linda Brown came to Prestwick Rotary recently and gave a talk called "Snap Happy - Walking with my camera - Boosting Mental Health Wellbeing." She is a member of Ayr Writers' Club (and is currently joint President) and a member of the writing group LiterEight.

Linda said she loves walking and stomping around the woods and paths but takes time to stop and look around to enjoy the surroundings while taking photos and recording each days walks for Facebook. She decided to get a better camera and settled on a "Bridge" camera. 

Her walks helped her wellbeing and improved her mental health. She noticed while she was walking that their were lots of birds and decided you are never too old to learn birdwatching. Linda took up the hobby listening to the bird calls and taking their pictures which gave her imense pleasure. A selection of her pictures were shown including a kestral, bluebees in woods and a picture of Lindisfarne Castle.

While strolling slowly through the woods she picked up on the smells, colours and creatures around her which she found reduced her stress. Walking also reduces stress and along with the smell of wild garlic they both help the imune system too.

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Weekly Meetings

back This section details the weekly talks at the club and have ranged widely from mindfulness to charity work, health, model making, favourite objects, music and gardening.