Remembrance Day 2023

Sun, Nov 12th 2023 at 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Remembrance Day 2023. Rotary wreath laying

Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Remembrance Day 2023
Sunday Nov 12th David Mullins deputising for President Mary laid a poppy wreath at the 
War memorial at  St Peters Church  Birstall.

A remembrance Day parade left Birstall Library at 14.00 walking to St Peters Church for a
Remembrance Service.
The service moved from the Church to the adjoining graveyard and war memorial.
Local MP Kim Leadbetter, a Lord Leiutenat rep and councilors attended.
Wreaths were laid including the Birstall Luddite Rotary wreath laid by David Mullins.
Refreshments were taken in the church after a very wet parade and wreath laying.

Rotarians John Logan, Terry Edwards and Jeff B along with David represented the club.

below David laying the poppy wreath