Plant Sale Press Release

West Lakeland Rotary held their annual plant sale on Sunday 16th May at Calderbridge Village Hall.

West Lakeland Rotary held their annual plant sale on Sunday 16th May at Calderbridge Village Hall.

Trailers, vans and cars were loaded the day before with hundreds of bedding plants, vegetable  plants, herbs, shrubs and trees that had been grown by club members over prior months.

Sunday saw a bright, sunny day, and a very early start by the club members to prepare the village hall venue with an impressive selection of plants inside the hall, with the larger shrubs, trees and compost sold from the car park outside.

Scheduled to commence at 12 noon, by 1140, a queue of some forty people had formed so the doors were opened at 1145 to the public, who's attendance totalled 251 !!

It was all over in just an hour and a half - all plants and shrubs disappearing quickly into buyers' car boots….although we were left with a surplus of tomato plants - so maybe will grow a few less next year!

To support the day, bric-a-brac stalls, tombola and compost making all contributed to the public's enjoyment, as did an excellent selection of sandwiches, cakes and hot and cold drinks prepared by the ladies of the Inner Wheel throughout the afternoon to compliment the day.

All in all, another successful and busy day with a significant amount raised which will continue our work to support those in need locally.

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