Red Phone Box Project

Project page to be created on the website, to highlight projects from clubs in the district.

Attention To Detail
Attention To Detail

The Rotary Club of West Lakeland -

Telephone box re-furbishment and re-purposing

The telephone box in the village of Gosforth, Cumberland, had become a eyesore, disused and vandalised. The telephone equipment had been removed but the box had suffered broken panes and support bars, together with a door that would not shut, and faded, peeling, red(ish) paint.

After much deliberation the Parish Council decided that its future use would be as an Information Centre housing tourist information and leaflets.

Offers from local apprentices and other groups to carry out the necessary renovations were received by the Parish Council but work did not commence.

Rotary stepped in !!

The telephone box was completely de-glazed of dirty scratched perspex…a huge task considering there are 75 panes. Following this, missing glazing bars were replaced, the oak (!) door re-hung and the remains of redundant BT wires etc. were removed.

The inside and outside painted surfaces were subject to much wire brushing, scraping and abrasive paper, in preparation for four coats of brilliant red paint applied over a period of some months. Then glazing commenced! The Parish Council had purchased a 'kit' of parts specifically for this type of refurbishment, and new glass and 'Information' signs were fitted. Finally a new support board and leaflet holders were installed, and visitor information leaflets introduced.

Not satisfied with this, alongside the phone box is the village post office pillar box, the condition of which was shown up by the bright red phone box, so….the post box received a freshen up with a couple of coats of paint, and gold highlights.

The work was carried out mainly during the Covid period, with much verbal encouragement from both locals and visitors. The biggest treat being a coffee or ice-cream delivered from the local shop.

Overall, a nice tidy up of a prominent village landmark, which continues to provide information about the area to visiting tourists.

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