End Polio Party 2023

We continue to support Rotary’s efforts to rid the world of Polio.

Rain Too Late To Dampen End Polio Success

For several years now, Patrick and Carol Rothon have graciously held a garden party for our club in their lovely garden at Brook Lodge, raising hundreds of pounds in voluntary donations at these events.  Following the successful Barbecue and crazy Pétanque afternoon at President Roger’s house and garden in July, Saturday August 26 was set aside for this year’s Paella to publicise our End Polio efforts – with hopes that the weather would be kind and we’d all enjoy the ‘al fresco’ event starting at 1 p.m.

Weather Permitting

An early start on Friday saw president Roger, Patrick, Malcolm and Peter assembled at Brook Lodge to set up two large gazebos for shade, or shelter from rain.  Six tables. forty chairs, and ……. fingers crossed for decent weather.

A final look at the weather forecast which suggested a fine morning but now a high chance of thunderstorms from 3 pm, so a final adjustment to the plan - we start two hours earlier at 11 a.m., with food at 12.30 instead of 3 p.m.
Not long into the event, nearly 40 members and guests including PDGs Terry Dean (District End Polio Leader) and Pauline Dean, mingled happily on the terrace of the house – a sun trap sheltered (mainly) from most of the wind, and although it was a cooler than earlier that week, the weather was dry, the sun was out, and conversation flowed easily.

End Polio

As usual, Carol and Patrick provided the meal (Carol’s inestimable chicken paella).

Patrick thanked everybody for coming along for this social event, and especially to publicise the club’s fundraising for End Polio Now – this year there have only been seven cases of Polio in the world – two in Pakistan and five in Afghanistan. 

A Celebration

However, Patrick announced it was not just a club event but also a celebration of IPP Michael Ginn’s birthday, and his and Sue’s wedding anniversary (56th.).  He thanked Michael for providing all the drinks, and the fresh bread rolls (baked that morning).  Champagne was poured out and all present – members and guests - toasted the happy couple.

Michael responded with a short speech thanking everybody for their good wishes, briefly mentioning the circumstances of his birth, and thanking everybody signing the two cards.

Great Food and Fellowship

Apart from Paella, the drinks, and the champagne, other guests had helped by providing various desserts and cakes, so there was plenty of food for all.  Many thanks!

Carol worked hard, assisted by friend Pauline and Sarah Kettle in cooking her chicken and rice paella, and soon members were queueing up for the paella, and the salads on the nearby table.  It was delicious and most of the food was swiftly consumed.Time for president Roger to thank Patrick and Carol for their hospitality and Carol in particular for her hard work in getting the food, preparing it and cooking it to perfection.  Everybody applauded loudly.

A British Summer

Unfortunately, and as feared, at about 3 o’clock, the weather turned colder and suddenly the skies opened, and the rain poured down.  Guests made a beeline for the seats in the gazebos.  But the rain didn’t lessen, and we called an end to highly enjoyable and successful event.

If you didn’t manage to go along, you missed out on great food and great fellowship.


We are hopefully in the last stages of the Polio disease, and we must continue to support Rotary’s efforts to rid the world of Polio.  

If you are moved by this campaign, please make any donations via GlobalGiving’s Little by Little campaign, between September 18-23.  Delaying donations to the period September 18-23 will get us 50% extra on the first approx. £40 from each individual donor (less fees).  So, a delay of three weeks, but with a whole week to collect the money in, should really multiply what we get.  We’ll count the donations after September 23 and publish the result then.

So don’t donate now to the club – delay until September 18 and donate on GlobalGiving via our club website at:

and make your money count by pulling in an extra 50% from them.

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Paella Consumption

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