The annual garden party again took place in the garden of James and Lyn Kay. And the Rotary Club is very grateful to them and to their neighbours. On 21st July, bright and early, preparations began and the garden was decked with bunting , furnished with chairs and gazebos and electrical supplies for the entertainer.
Later the food arrived and decorations of the various stations were completed. These stations included an American, an Australian, a European and a Chilean base for the distribution of wines and refreshments.
The event was scheduled to begin at 6.30 and all was ready and in place. At 6.50, just as the majority were arriving, the sky darkened and there was an extremely heavy shower of rain. Fortunately most people stayed dry, sheltering under the gazebos, a summer house and the garage. The storm passed and more people arrived. The evening continued without further rain. The music began, the barbecue began serving and people met friends, old and new.
Raffle prizes included four meals and two cocktails at the Scole Inn. There were also numerous bottles, several hampers and other prizes numbering about 50 in all. Everyone was thanked for their generosity.
After the raffle was drawn, the music began again, and a large number of people danced the night away. The evening came to an end with everyone taking part in a semicircle dance to the music New York, New York.
Next morning a large number of volunteers cleared up and all was back to normal by 10am.