An Average July Fair

Compared with last year, a record event with 117 stalls, and the 2021 July Fair which was cancelled due to the forecast of inclement weather, this Fair with 64 stalls could be considered to be average.

Arriving at that Fair, I saw of a man leaving with a coal scuttle and several boxes.  This year as I arrived a couple of ladies were leaving the Fair with two very large framed pictures.  I later saw another framed picture being escorted from the field by another happy lady purchaser.

As I strolled around the stalls, this year the sun shone on the stallholders who came to sell their wares, although the air felt slightly cooler than the temperatures experienced in the previous month.

Besides stalls selling pictures and other items commonly found at Boot, Craft and Produce Fairs, there were more stalls than normal selling preserves, as well as The Bumbling Beekeeper selling honey.

Some of the more unusual items observed to be for sale included a satellite finder kit, painted eggs including two framed from Japan, rolls of wallpaper — one buyer when asked by his wife was heard to respond “l like the pattern, but I don’t know what I am going to use it for”, a double buggy, a stand holding 7 hanging baskets — the stand could hold 16, maybe the other nine had already been sold, jugs in shape of an apple and a pear — presumably for fruit juice, and a series of hoops forming the sun and planets for hanging on a wall.

There were several stalls selling a golfing bag with a set of golf clubs, but unusually compared with previous Fairs, only one stall was  balls, maybe those selling the clubs had given up golf and as a consequence there were less lost balls!

As a result of the Fair nearly £800 was raised which will be used to support local charitable and international Rotary projects.

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Boot, Craft and Produce Fairs
