Quilters RotaKids Presidential Citation Award

Quilters Junior School Rotakids join Buttsbury in accepting this prestigious Award, the only two clubs in the District to do so.

A Prestigious National Award

On June 23, following his visit to Buttsbury Junior School on June 8 to award them their Citation certificate, District Governor Jed Brooks went along to Quilters Junior School to present them with their Presidential Citation.  DG Jed was accompanied by our President, Michael Ginn, President-Elect Roger Kettle, Secretary Brian Wellman, Youth Officers Stephen King and Peter Greene, and Speaker Finder Pat Rothon.

You Guys Could Be These Guys ..

Head TeacherMike Wade opened the day by letting the RotaKids introduce themselves and speaking directly to them, he said “Have a good look at these guys from Rotary.  They give their time for free to do projects and raise money to help those in need in our community and elsewhere in the world, for example the Soapbox Derby here at Sun Corner, and their project for water wells in Kenya.  You guys could be these guys in the future too.   Giving to others can make a huge difference.  I am convinced that this year’s RotaKids have made more of an impact on our community than ever.  You should be very proud.  You have made a huge difference.”

District Governor Jed  congratulated them on the quality of their presentation and their achievements over the year.  “How many schools in this District have won a Presidential Citation for their achievements last year” he asked.  “Only two out of 500 schools, and you are one of them!”

Jed remarked that it was a pleasure to come today to listen to their presentation, recognise their success and award  the Citation.  Maureen Lee accepted the Citation on behalf of all the RotaKids.

Jed ended by saying he hoped they would continue to participate in Rotary as Interact, Rotaract and Rotary members.  
“I hope this is not the end of your “Rotary” life and you will continue to serve your communities in future years” he said.

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