Handover night

Andy Mathieson handing over Presidency to Gregor Purdie

Handover night is a special event in Prestwick Rotary Club. New President Gregor Purdie has taken over the role from retiring President Andrew Mathieson. Andrew gave a brief valedictory talk on how much he has enjoyed being Club President. The Club has been very socially active over the past year, with plenty of fun and laughter on the way.

New Pesident Gregor received the chain of office, and in return presented Andrew with a badge of honour. Gregor then gave a brief address, stressing the importance of continuity, looking forward to another great year ahead.
Furthermore, Secretary Bill Leslie is retiring, after many years of solid Rotary work. Thank you Bill for keeping everyone right for so many years. A lovely bunch of flowers, for you and Moyra, is well-deserved.

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Weekly Meetings

back This section details the weekly talks at the club and have ranged widely from mindfulness to charity work, health, model making, favourite objects, music and gardening.