Richard Bird

Rosebank Rotary club and Boikanyo charity

The speaker on 19th June was Past President Richard Bird. In memory of Ruth Otway, the club has donated £500 to Rosebank club in Johannesburg, generously supplemented by a District grant of £600. The donation will be used by Rosebank to support the work of the charity Boikanyo and Richard described the work of the charity. They work principally in very rural areas of South Africa, identifying and then meeting the mobility needs of children suffering from cerebral palsy. Many have had no support and are on waiting lists which are unlikely to come to anything. They rely either on adults carrying them everywhere, or just not being able to move around at all.  Rosebank has teamed up with Boikanyo, refurbishing used equipment and making it fit for use. Club members also make new parts such as footrests and desks. They then take part in visits to rural areas, helping to fit the children to the newly refurbished chairs, either in their homes or in local hospitals. Other support is donated, such as food and blankets.  Kendal hopes to strengthen the links between the two clubs, and we recently held a very enjoyable zoom quiz, with members of both clubs participating.

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