Rotary Term 2023-2024 - Induction of Presidents

Thu, Jun 22nd 2023 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Induction of Tony Axelrod


As a Club we are honoured this year by the presence of two Presidents, Chris Shortt and Tony Axelrod who have agreed to be consecutive Presidents for Epsom Rotary Club for another year. The picture shows Tony being inducted by a former Present Harry Corben, although unfortunately Chris was not able to attend the event. We wish them both many congratulations.

Announcements were also made for the up and coming Presidents, again a joint application, and the up and coming Treasurer for the Rotary year 2024-2025 which will be leading up to the Club's 100th year. The Rotary year runs from June to June.

As a Club we will continue to serve the community whilst ensuring everyone has fun, tries new challenges and make a difference to this ever changing world. 

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