Rotarians from Torrington and other North Devon Clubs joined together in June to raise funds for RNLI in memory of our longstanding Torrington Rotarian, David Burgess.
David had been Chairman of North Devon RNLI for many years, raising their profile and hosting countless events in support of their vital work. He also served several terms as Torrington Rotary club Treasurer, was President of our club and held the prestigious Paul Harris Award for exemplary service. We miss him dearly.
Our club, with fantastic support from St. John's Garden Centre in Barnstaple, organised this quiz night and raised over £1350 from ticket sales, a large raffle and bar sales. Our sincere thanks to David Large and David Nainby (lead organisers), the club members who helped, especially Mike Bridgman who was quizmaster, and all those who attended.
Just shows what being a Rotarian is all about.
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