17 June 2023 - Stall at NESCOT FAIR

Sat, Jun 17th 2023 at 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Stall held at NESCOT Fair

17th June 2023 - Stall at NESCOT FAIR

We attended the fair last year at NESCOT and they have kindly invited us back to hold a stall at their Fair this year. Fortunately the weather was good and many families and individuals attended. 

We were allocated a stand near the entrance and attracted a fair audience who enjoyed a traditional peg game with prizes, together with a small selection of some items for sale and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts - taking advantage of Krispy Kreme's charity pack. The organisers at NESCOT did really make us welcome and we also raised some funds for Epsom Rotary Charities as well as promotion of the up and coming Epsom & Ewell Showcase.  We were amongst around 40 stallholders and NESCOT displays from some of their departments,  The Silver Band played and everyone seemed to have a great time.

Maria AnstissContact Maria Anstiss about this page:

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