Recently the Rotary Club of Prestwick held a successful Showcase Evening as part of our 75th Anniversary of Rotary in Prestwick. The event was chaired by Vice President Gregor Purdie.
President Andy Mathieson spoke about the history of the club and what we do. Edith Sterrick talked about Rotary International while Bill Leslie told us about the financial side of Rotary.
Member Lorraine McEvoy spoke about the charities and groups we have supported while Kate Sweeney, as a recent member, talked about what attracted her to Rotary. Mary McCormick said that the club was inclusive to people with disability.
After Gregor spoke about the importance of fellowship, Lorraine was keen to show this in practice by presenting Edith with a clootie dumpling she had made for Edith for her birthday.
Adnan Soojeri proposed a Vote of Thanks, particularly thanking our guests for their participation. Thanks also to Gregor for organising the night and for the contributions from the members.