Hook Road Area Car Boot Sale - Sunday 28 May 2023

Sun, May 28th 2023 at 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Raising funds at Hook Road Car Boot Sale


Stall held at the humongous car boot sale at Hook Road Arena held weekly over the summer period and on Bank Holidays.

I arrived at 7.30 and already many of the stalls were in situ around the designated area in Hook Road Arena to include many trade and food outlets.  Once set up there was a steady flow of customers who engaged with looking and purchasing but it was not a great day for raising mega amounts, due mostly to the large competition.  However, the sunshine brought many people out with their families and many were happy to engage in conversation, and I therefore engaged, a couple of the most memorable conversations was with a lady's struggle with her mother with dementia and could connect having done some care work knowledge in the past and this lady purchased a pie plate as she said her mother would benefit from a plate with a lip. I also spoke with another young lady who was trying to collect items having just secured herself a new flat and was excited in with her venture. She explained the theme for her new flat and we had something that just fitted the bill.       

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