Foundation Seminar 2023

Held on APril 1 - and it's NOT a joke!

It's No Joke!

Malcolm Acors, Roger Kettle, Patrick Rothon and Peter Greene attended the Foundation Seminar to learn more about Foundation grants

Prerequisites for a Grant

  • Authorised club members attend the Foundation Seminar
  • One authorised member completes the R.I. on-line Learning Centre course, or if completed in a previous year, the refresher course
  • A completed “Rotary Memorandum of Understanding”
  • Submission of a District Grant Application form by June 30, 2023.

District Foundation Chairman Martin Sulley welcomed everybody, and took us through the agenda, followed by DGE David Willis discussing his aims and plans for his DG year.  He had been inspired by Foundation projects he had heard on his DGE training in the USA, and stressed the challenge facing us to donate more to Foundation.

Unfortunately, the impact of Covid from three years ago was being reflected in the reduced money available in Foundation now.

Someone Somewhere Will Have a Better Life.

Mark Howell (Colchester Centurion) club started with a Global Grant project in Malawi to build football pitches, changing rooms, toilets etc., but the application process was too difficult, so, they opted for a smaller project to build a water tower with a District Grant.  The project was funded by profits from a bar they ran at events in Colchester and the process was very straight-forward, and the project is complete.  They have done further projects both locally (School dictionaries etc) and internationally (solar pumps in South Africa).

They raise money for Foundation via a monthly Duck Race (an App.)Entry £10 -- £7 to Foundation, and £3 prizes.
Key message, invest in a Foundation Project and “Someone somewhere will have a better life because of you”.

Break Outs

There were two breakout sessions - the first to discuss what sort of projects were suitable, and the second to discuss how to motivate more members to donate to Foundation.

38 clubs have made no donations.  Only 10-15% of District members give to Foundation.

End Polio Now

Terry Dean “There is increasing confidence that Polio can be eliminated by 2026.  There has been only ONE case of Wild Polio this year, the first for six months. Polio virus was detected in New York and London sewage, but you’re safe if you’ve been vaccinated.

Our district 1240 has $12,151 donated this year, compared to $39,618 by end last year. 38 clubs have made no donations.

Lasting Change

After the coffee break, there was a Foundation Video, publicising successful projects in areas such as Water, Education, End Polio, Healthcare, etc.  Emphasis is that Foundation projects create lasting change.

If you don't ask you don't get

How to get a District Grant? David Whitehead ran through the process for getting a grant and timing of the various steps – all have to be completed and an application form submitted by end June 2023 for Grants in Rotary year 2023/24.

Guest Speaker was Ian Graham (DGN district 1080) who promoted The Rotary Foundation enthusiastically.

Ahead of the Pack

Malcolm Acors and Roger Kettle summed it up.  There are great challenges but Billericay is already leading the way in supporting and using Foundation.

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What are Grants for?

Foundation & International

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