Bala Challenge Charity Walk - 2023

Sat, May 13th 2023 at 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Ashok Harshey, Steve Butler and Paul Mainwood, of Llandudno Rotary, are walking 14 miles on

Saturday 13th May 2023 to raise Rotary funds for the Llandudno foodbank charity " Hope Restored"

Ashok Harshey, Steve Butler and Paul Mainwood, of Llandudno Rotary, are walking 14 miles on 

Saturday 13th  May 2023

and are hoping you are able to sponsor them in their bid to raise Rotary funds that will go to help the Llandudno foodbank charity " Hope Restored"


Ask one of the walkers for their sponsor form


Tap/click this link and donate online

pay no fee and select how much you want to donate- 

(transaction fees are being sponsored separately)


Text BALA 5 to 70085 to donate £5

"Hope Restored"

"Hope Restored" was founded more than 10 years ago as an aid centre and as a refuge for the homeless of Llandudno

In recent years they have also sought to help the ever-increasing issue of people not being able to afford to eat

For many years Llandudno Rotary has supported this charity with both practical help and with funds. This venture of Ashok, Steve and Paul is part of that ongoing strategy

Ask one of the walkers for their sponsor form


Tap/click this link and donate online

pay no fee - (transaction fees are being sponsored separately)


Text BALA 5 to 70085

Ashok HarsheyContact Ashok Harshey about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)