Each Rotary Club has a week every year when members are encouraged to visit another club. Its called Scatter Week.
Recently Prestwick Rotary members decided to visit Kilmarnock Rotary Club and were warmly welcomed by their Club President Alastair Crabb. Kilmarnock Rotarians meet on Thursday evenings at the lavish Park Hotel, Kilmarnock.
Prestwick President Andrew Mathieson expressed our pleasure at visiting Kilmarnock Rotary Club. It was a very enjoyable evening with some very
nice people, plenty of banter and a great meal too. It was a great turnout from Prestwick Rotary.
The guest speaker was Kevin Braidwood, Head of Ayrshire Roads Alliance, formed when North and South Ayrshire pooled resources in 2014. Kevin gave a review of the current roads situation, coping with a 53 million pounds backlog in road repairs. The annual roads budget for South Ayrshire is 4.6 million pounds, half that of North Ayrshire for approximately the same amount of road length. Potholes were inevitably discussed, without any clear outcome, other than make-do-and mend as deemed necessary.
George English gave a hearty vote of thanks to Kevin for an update on our roads, an issue which affects us all. A special thanks to Kilmarnock Rotary's hospitality on the night. The picture was taken at the event.