Wheels In Motion

Kate Sweeney left, Suzanne Algeo and Lorraine McEvoy

Wheels in Motion
Wheels in Motion

Prestwick Rotary activities continue to be challenging and varied. We are still seeking items for our memory box project, which involves filling six suitcases of nostalgic items, to trigger conversations with those suffering from memory loss.We have been busy giving out cheques to various local charities including The Micah Project, Aberlour Child Care trust, and Prestwick Food Bank.
The picture shows Kate Sweeney left, and Lorraine McEvoy right, presenting a £200 cheque to Suzanne Algeo of Wheels in Motion.
Our Primary School quiz winners were jointly Kingcase and St Ninians. Well done to all involved, and for the work done by Richie Cameron and his Rotary team.

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Weekly Meetings

back This section details the weekly talks at the club and have ranged widely from mindfulness to charity work, health, model making, favourite objects, music and gardening.