Planting Season at the Allotment

Sat, Apr 8th 2023 at 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

With our Greenhouse now useable - planting crops for a bumper year ahead

Planting at the Allotment Begins

April and May see the season for planting and at the Ewell and Epsom Rotary Clubs' allotment we hope to see a bumper year, especially as the greenhouse frame we acquired for the plot has now been fitting with poly-carbon sheeting and is ready for use. 

Anne and Maggie have been busy over the past few weeks growing seedlings and some of these have now been brought to the allotment and fill the greenhouse. Outside some crops were also sewn, carrots, chard etc. We will shortly have potatoes to plant and the cabbage and curly kale is ready for picking and donating to the Food Bank in Epsom.The garlic and onions - well just a few more weeks.    

We also need to thank Rotary Foundation for their generous donation of money to assist with the installation of the Greenhouse.      

We always welcome visitors and of course anyone wishing to help even from time to time.      

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