2023 03 Pulborough Brooks Visit

School children benefit from visit

Children at Pulborough Brooks
Children at Pulborough Brooks

 Rotary sponsored visit to RSPB Pulborough Brooks 13 Mar 2023

25 Year 2 pupils  (6-7yo) from Midhurst Primary School braved the cold and wind to visit the RSPB Pulborough Brooks Visitor Centre on 13 March for a day course called ‘Brilliant Birds & Plant Detectives’.   Their ‘teacher’ for the day was a very enthusiastic and informative RSPB staff member.  Amongst many other activities, she had the pupils flitting around outside pretending to be blue-tits collecting material for their nests, using only a clothes peg as a beak.  Later they were bees, buzzing around collecting coloured petals to bring back to their hive.   A list was given, with clues, of 15 different plants to find growing wild in an area of woodland – this task would have been a lot simpler with flowers and larger leaves!  Despite the limitations of the time of year, all 5 groups succeeded admirably.                                                                              

These methods of acting out what is being taught to increase understanding and retention were quite different from my time at school 60? years ago (just checked, using a calculator and yes, it is that long ago!).                                                                                                        

We were told that they have 3 – 3,500 children visit each year for these classes.     The 2 Rotarians from Midhurst & Petworth Rotary, Peter Davis and Andrew Mitchell certainly now understand why these RSPB days are so popular and can’t wait to do it again!   The Midhurst Primary School pupil behaviour was outstandingly good – thanks to a packed programme of activities and an obvious interest in the subject.

A great day was had by all

Andrew Mitchell,  Midhurst & Petworth Rotary

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Children at Pulborough Brooks

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