Richie Cameron

Talk on blind spots, called scotomas.

A talk from 'one of our own' is always interesting, and the job talk from Rotarian Richie Cameron was very entertaining and informative. Richie has a career background in applied cognitive psychology, advising businesses on improving performance levels.

Blind spots, called scotomas, affect the generation of ideas. A simple exercise in counting the 'Fs' in a short statement demonstrated our individual reading blind spots. Through the concept of 'gesalt' Richie spoke about improving individual performance levels. He then went on to dealing with personal issues, such a low self esteem.
Steven Cooper gave Richie a hearty vote of thanks for a very articulate presentation.

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Weekly Meetings

back This section details the weekly talks at the club and have ranged widely from mindfulness to charity work, health, model making, favourite objects, music and gardening.