Mission Aviation Fellowship

Flying for Life. Ian Belton

Ian Belton
Ian Belton

The speaker at the meeting of Kendal Rotary on 27th February was Ian Belton from ‘Mission Aviation Fellowship’ (MAF) – Flying for Life, He gave a visual presentation detailing the work of the charity.  Started in 1945 and is now operating in 24 countries. ‘Mission Aviation Fellowship’ (MAF) is the world’s largest humanitarian air operator. For over 75 years MAF have been flying light aircraft over jungles, mountains, swamps and deserts. They enable more than 2,000 aid, development and mission organisations to bring medical care, emergency relief and long-term development. Their pilots and personnel deliver relief workers, doctors, pastors, school books, food, medicines - everything that can only be safely and speedily delivered by air.

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Ian Belton

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