Free Portland News Entry

February/March. By Keith


Calling all teenagers

It is lovely when people ask me about Rotary and our history so may I try and add a little more to the story for those who ask the questions – and it is relevant, so please read on.

As many of you know we have over one and a quarter million Rotarians in almost every country in the world. Some of you may remember that we also had a Rotaract Club (like a junior Rotary) on Portland many years ago for the 18-28 year olds but, because of pressures of exams, families or jobs that folded eventually.

 However we have another organisation under the Rotary umbrella, for the 12-18 year olds and this is called Interact.  Interact has over a quarter of a million Interactors worldwide and so is a very big organisation internationally.  Many Interact clubs are school-based.  I have actually visited Interact clubs in India with over 600 members!  So, apart from being popular, it is extremely useful as it gives youngsters the opportunity of helping others in need, not only in their own communities, but also all over the world.  Plus, of course, they enlarge their circle of friends and acquaintances, and have a lot of fun as well as getting the change to improve their leadership skills.   Though often based in schools, it is not run by the schools – teachers can now breathe a sigh of relief – as the Rotarians (and the Interactors themselves) take on that role.   Consequently the Portland Rotary club is setting up an Interact Club on the Island, and anyone who is simply curious, interested, or would like to get involved, is invited to come along and, perhaps, become a founder member of a new Interact Club.  The club will be autonomous, but Rotarians will be present at meetings to ensure not only that the club runs properly but to provide protection for the younger element as well.    If interested, please contact Jayne on

From the Community point of view, we now have our Table Top Sales up and running again for this year – thank you to all those who came along a few weeks ago to support the sale, as well as the beneficiaries, The Forever Hounds Trust. Your support and interest is invaluable. The next Sale on 11th. March will be in aid of Read Easy S. Dorset.   As always the TT Sales happen at the Community 2000 Hall in Easton and my apologies to those who said they did not know where the events took place.  I have mentioned this in the past, but I should obviously have reminded FPN readers more recently – my apologies for that omission.  I understand that we now have a couple of vacancies if any organisation or individual wants to hire a table to sell goods.  If so, please contact Carolyn on

Another of our members, Janet, is running yet another coach trip to Bath for shopping, sightseeing, or just for a day out.  The next one will be on Saturday 25th. March, leaving Easton at 8 a.m. and leaving Bath at 5.30 p.m., and will cost the magnificent sum of just £20 per person.  A trip you cannot afford to miss, and, although these are very popular, I understand that there are still a few seats available for this particular trip.  If interested please contact Janet on

And I end, as I do very often, by repeating that Rotary is not a secret society and if anyone is interested in knowing more about what we do, in helping us by becoming a Friend of Rotary, or by joining our club, please contact me on


Keith Barnard-JonesContact Keith Barnard-Jones about this page:

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